2 Spieler
Za cerným mostem 1150/1c 1150/1c
Praha 14 - Hloubetín, Tschechien, 19800
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4547 N Kilpatrick Ave
Chicago, Vereinigte Staaten, 60630
Winkelsweg 169
Langenfeld, Deutschland, 40764
Die Hunter & Cron Edition unterscheidet sich von der originalen Version des Spiels von Ludonaute aus dem Jahr 2013 durch folgende Dinge:
- Hunter & Cron Promo-Erweiterung bestehend aus 6 neuen Promokarten illustriert von Vincent Dutrait.
- Die 5 bisher erschienen Promokarten (Benjamin Bord, Cédrick Chaboussit, Uwe Rosenberg, Bauza & Cathala, Martin Wallace
- Überarbeitete Regeln des Grundspiels von Cédrick Chaboussi
- Neues Cover (internationales Reprint-Cover)
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Founded around 3100 BC and situated south of the Nile Delta, the city of Men-nefer (Memphis in Greek) was the capital of ancient Egypt for nine dynasties and the most populous city on the planet.
In 1979, it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, primarily for its necropolises and pyramid complexes known worldwide, such as Abusir, Saqqara, Dahshur, and Giza.
- Worker-Placement, Drafting, Set-Collection
- Spielmaterial sprachneutral / language independent
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Ryszarda Wagnera 34/14
Wroc?aw, Polen, 52-129
In Saltfjord, you must decide if you will expand your settlement with new buildings, send your boat to collect fish, engage in trade, or pioneer new technologies to make everyday life easier. How will you shape the destiny of your village?
Korvaldveien 34
Mjondalen, Norwegen, N-3050
Well then, the Sea of Thieves is calling!
Inspired by the hit video game, Sea of Thieves: Voyage of Legends is a competitive seafaring game of piracy for 2-4 players.
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